Friday 11 January 2013

On my mission to go white blonde.

Again! This time I'm sticking more to it though. I let my black hair fade out as much as I could, washed it with head & shoulders to strip most of the colour out (which it did). As I wasn't wearing my extensions anymore because they didn't match my hair, I decided to use the wild ombre kit on my hair, the ends went a nice brown/ginger colour. After about 2 weeks of that being in my hair, the other night I decided to bleach my whole head. 45 minutes after applying it, I was in shock! My hair was basically white. It had a lot of caramel patches and a few ginger patches but I was so shocked. As I don't want to wreck my hair, I put a light natural brown over it, it hasn't taken well as it looks like I have highlights but oh well. So, today I decided to buy more bleach and white hair dye, I won't be doing this till half term holiday. I still need to get more blonde dye and lavendar dye as I want a nice lavendar blonde colour to my hair. I know this just seems to be a big paragraph of rubbish (because it is) but I've not updated on here for ages! I also thought I'd keep at least someone up to date with my hair change. One I will hopefully stick to this time.